
Malawi: Widow uses pepper to wipe her tears

Every day used to be a struggle for her especially to just get a single meal for survival with her children. But now it...

Violence in U.K. Causes Fear In African Immigrant Communities

Cities in England suffered a fourth night of violence, causing fear and anxiety in many African immigrant communities in London, Manchester, Salford, Liverpool, Nottingham,...

Michelle Obama meets Nelson Mandela

Michelle Obama meets Nelson Mandela and dances up a storm – but only after she’s snubbed by the polygamous President of South Africa South African...

Zimbabwean President to miss ANC fete

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe will not attend South Africa’s ruling African National Congress (ANC) centenary celebrations this weekend because the veteran ruler is in...

Militant Islam on the Rise in West Africa

This week's standoff between the Nigerian government in the northern, mainly Muslim state of Borno and a militant group called the Boko Haram, has...


